The range slider's color value is not resetting correctly when using the <input>

Before repositioning, the slider is at this location: (both thumb and color are correctly positioned)

Prior to Reset:


<input id="xyzslider" class="mdl-slider mdl-js-slider" type="range" min="0.0" max="1.0" value="0.0" step="0.05" tabindex="20">



After Reset:

The issue I am facing is that after resetting, the slider thumb returns to the minimum value but the color value shown by the slider remains at 0.6.

Following the reset, I handle the slider in the following manner.



The code I am using is provided below. What could be causing the problem? Why isn't the color value of the slider being reset? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


$("#clickme").click(function() {
<script src="//">
<script defer src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<input type="button" id="clickme" value="Click Me To Reset Slider">
<input id="xyzslider" class="mdl-slider mdl-js-slider" type="range" min="0.0" max="1.0" value="0.0" step="0.05" tabindex="20">

View on JSFiddle

Answer №1

As stated in the description of MDL slider component, it is recommended not to use the value attribute to change the slider's value programmatically. Instead, utilize the MDL change() method for this purpose. For instance, if you have a slider object named slider1 and a variable newvalue storing the desired value, avoid using slider1.value = newvalue; rather, opt for slider1.MaterialSlider.change(newvalue)

Therefore, ensure that your code is updated as follows:


Find the updated version on jsfiddle:

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