Selectize-dropdown menu shines brightly as it opens upwards

In my sleek dashboard design, I have implemented a few dropdown menus using selectizeInput. These menus are currently positioned at the bottom of the page, but I want them to open in an upward direction instead of downward.

While I found a workaround for the shinyWidgets dropdown menu known as pickerInput by following a solution that involved adding a css tag:

.dropdown-menu{bottom: 100%; top: auto;}

Unfortunately, this approach did not work for the selectizeInput dropdown. Can anyone suggest the appropriate css modifications that should be made in my script?

Edit (answered by maartenzam with an example)


ui <- fluidPage(
  # selectize style
  tags$head(tags$style(type = "text/css", paste0(".selectize-dropdown {
                                                     bottom: 100% !important;
  selectizeInput('id', 'test', 1:10, selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
                 options = NULL)

server <- function(input, output, session) {


shinyApp(ui, server)

Answer №1

If you want to achieve this effect, you could try the following:

.custom-dropdown {
  top: -200px !important;

Answer №2

Appreciate the helpful information!

Just leaving a note here in case someone wants to customize the behavior for specific selectizeInput elements while keeping others as default:


ui <- fluidPage(
  tags$head(tags$style(HTML('#upwardId+ div>.selectize-dropdown{bottom: 100% !important; top:auto!important;}'))),
  selectizeInput(inputId = 'downwardId', label='open downward', choices = 1:10, selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE),
  selectizeInput(inputId = 'upwardId', label='open upward', choices = 1:10, selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE)

server <- function(input, output, session){}

shinyApp(ui, server)

Answer №3

Similar to @ismirsehregal's approach, here is a unique spin on it by incorporating the new virtualSelectInput function from the shinyWidgets package:


ui <- fluidPage(
  # customizing virtual select css
  tags$head(tags$style(type = "text/css", paste0(".vscomp-dropbox {
                                                        position: absolute !important;
                                                        bottom: 100% !important;
                                                        top: auto !important;
  virtualSelectInput('id', 'test', 1:10, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE,
                     options = NULL)

server <- function(input, output, session) {

shinyApp(ui, server)

Answer №4

To handle this behavior, you can utilize the onDropdownOpen event.

  onDropdownOpen: function($dropdown) {
      bottom: '100%',
      top: ''

In my current project, I implemented the use of the data-dropdown-direction attribute to determine the dropdown direction.

In the HTML template:

<select multiple data-dropdown-direction="up"></select>

In the JavaScript:

  onDropdownOpen: function($dropdown) {
    if (this.$'dropdownDirection') === 'up') {
        bottom: '100%',
        top: ''

Answer №5

One way to achieve this functionality is by utilizing Selectize options.

    dropdownDirection: 'up',
    plugins: [

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