Transfer the div above to the other div

My dynamic set of divs have varying heights generated dynamically even though their widths are fixed. Despite setting them to float:left, they are not aligning perfectly under each other. The divs are forming rows with the height of the row being determined by the div with the largest height, resulting in excessive vertical spacing between the divs.

For reference, please check out the following example: JsFiddle

How can I ensure that the div labeled "move this div up" stays positioned directly under div1?

Answer №1

If your div elements have fixed heights (which is not very common), you can achieve the desired effect by applying a negative margin-top to the specific div you want to move upwards. You can refer to this fiddle for an example.

For dynamically generated divs, your best option would likely involve utilizing a third-party plugin, such as jQuery Masonry or a similar tool.

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