Using inline style instead of relying on the quill editor's built-in classes, as classes may not be accessible in order to render HTML effectively

I have integrated the ngx-quill editor into my Angular project as the rich text editor. I plan to save the generated HTML in a database and display it on various browsers using innerHTML. Since the styling is done through a class attribute that references built-in classes of the editor, I am facing an issue when trying to render this HTML on platforms where these built-in classes are not available.

Is there a solution to render the HTML without relying on these built-in classes?

Alternatively, is there a method to convert these classes into inline styles for seamless rendering?

If you have any other suggestions on how to properly display the styled HTML from the editor, please share your insights.

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Yes, it is absolutely achievable. I was able to accomplish it differently from Angular by solely utilizing quill instead of ngx-quill. Despite my attempts to adapt ngx-quill accordingly, I have not been successful so far.

If you're curious about my current approach:

Firstly, I create the HTML element:

<div id="editor"></div>

Next, at the beginning of my component, I include the following:

 import Quill from 'quill'
var DirectionAttribute = Quill.import('attributors/attribute/direction');
Quill.register(DirectionAttribute, true);
// Additional imports and registrations...

Subsequently, in my initialization method, I set it up as follows:

  ngOnInit() {
this.editor = new Quill('#editor', {
  modules: {
    // Toolbar configurations
  theme: 'snow'


Finally, to retrieve the content wherever needed: = this.editor.root.innerHTML

Admittedly, this process isn't ideal and involves a significant amount of code that would be better suited within a component. Perhaps someone can assist in integrating this into a component efficiently.

Answer №2

To utilize attributors in ngx-quill, follow these steps for importing them and using style attributes:

Firstly, in your TypeScript file:

customOptions: CustomOption[] = [{
  import: 'attributors/style/size',
  whitelist: ['12px', '20px', '24px']
  // You can also import other attributors for alignments, colors, etc. here

Then, in your HTML code:

<quill-editor [customOptions]="customOptions">....

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