Unusual marking on the navigation bar

Currently, I am making updates to a website that was created by a previous employee long before I joined the team. One of the requested changes is to eliminate the orange box surrounding the navigation links. The navigation appears to be generated using JavaScript, which is making it challenging for me to figure out how to resolve this issue.

After researching, I cannot seem to find any information explaining why this anomaly is occurring. It doesn't appear to be a CSS property since the effect varies in different browsers - displaying as an orange glow in Chrome and a dotted outline in IE.

The website in question is: , and the navigation causing concern is located towards the bottom (Home, The Person, The Doctor, etc).

If anyone has suggestions or guidance on removing this unwanted effect, it would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you're looking to hide the outline, simply add this line to your stylesheet:

* { outline: none; }

It's advisable to use a more specific selector to disable the outline only on certain elements (such as form controls) in order to maintain usability.

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