How to access bespoke attributes in Scene Builder using JavaFX?

I am on the hunt for a way to designate customizable properties for my custom controls. Jens Deters has already created some fantastic custom controls utilizing fontawesomefx for JavaFX.

Once you import the jar files into Scene Builder, you can easily incorporate these custom controls through drag and drop. The exciting part is that you can customize the symbols right in the properties menu. You have the ability to tweak special node properties in real-time.

My inquiry is this: Is it possible to establish editable custom node properties directly within the properties menu of Scene Builder? Is there a specific process to follow?

Answer №1

After integrating your customized component, clicking on it will update the right panel with the Properties, Layout, and Code sections. In the Custom subsection of the Properties section, you can find your custom properties. In this sample, I included Error Text, Field Type, and Title text:

To incorporate these custom properties, you need to define them as attributes in the custom component controller:

private ObjectProperty<FieldType> fieldType = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(FieldType.NONE);
private StringProperty titleText = new SimpleStringProperty();
private StringProperty errorText = new SimpleStringProperty();

These attributes should be properties - no @FXML is necessary. If you provide a value, such as NONE for the enum, it will become the default setting in the scene builder custom property.

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