Steps for designing a single-column content-focused layout

Creating a single column fixed-width layout with a header and footer, the order of view should be as follows:

  1. header
  2. navigation
  3. dynamic content 1
  4. dynamic content 2
  5. main content
  6. footer

The dynamic contents (3, 4, 5) will expand vertically with unknown height, while the header, navigation, and footer (1, 2, 6) will have fixed heights. Our SEO manager has requested that the 'main content' should be placed above or at least before the basic contents in the source view.

I attempted to set the main wrapper (containing all 6 divs) to relative positioning and then use absolute positioning to move the 'main content' to the bottom.

Answer №1

Simplify this task by following these steps:





<div id="five"></div>
<div id="one">Header</div>
<div id="two">navigation</div>
<div id="three">basic content</div>
<div id="four">basic content</div>
<div id="six">Footer here </div>

<div id="five-5">Main Container here </div>



Check out the live demo here

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