Align the text on the same horizontal line

I have been struggling with this issue for hours.

Here is my Header.js

<div className="navbar-inner">

This is the content of my Header.css:

.navbar-inner {
   margin: 0 auto;
   color: #fff;
   display: flex;
   width: 87vw;
   background-color: red;
   justify-content: space-between;
   vertical-align: sub;

When I view it, here is what is displayed:

I would like to align Text1 and Text2 on the same Y-axis:

Answer №1

To achieve flexibility, apply flex to both the h2 and h3 tags.

h2, h3 {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

Answer №2

align-items is the key to vertically aligning text when utilizing flexbox.

I have also taken out the default margin from the h2 and h3 elements.

.navbar-inner {
   margin: 0 auto;
   color: #fff;
   display: flex;
   width: 87vw;
   background-color: red;
   justify-content: space-between;

   /* New styles */
   align-items: flex-end;
   padding: 5px;

h2, h3 {
  margin: 0;

You may need to tweak the padding to achieve your desired alignment in terms of how close the text should be to the edges.

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