Setting the dimensions of an HTML - CSS block

I am trying to style a navigation bar using the following CSS code:

#nav {}
#nav a { 
         position: relative;
         display: inline-block;
         color: #F0F0F0;
         width: 1em;
         height: 2em;
         line-height: 0.9em;
#nav a.icon:before { padding-right: 0;} 

<nav id="nav">
  <a href="#me" class="fa fa-home active"><span>Home</span></a>

However, I am facing an issue where if the text inside the navigation bar exceeds 10 characters, it automatically creates a new paragraph, causing the text to go out of the original box. How can I fix this problem?


I would like the background box in the screenshot to expand its width as the text gets longer.

Answer №1

To achieve a single-line display, simply delete the width: 1em; property from the #nav a element.

If you want to conceal any overflowing text, apply the overflow: hidden; rule to the #nav a element.

For the a tag to adjust its height and width based on content, eliminate both width: 1em; and height: 2em; rules from the #nav a element.

Answer №2

If you format your content as a table-row, your links will appear as additional columns within a table.

#nav {
    display: table-row;

To see the outcome, check out this fiddle.

Answer №3

element, make sure to include the following CSS property within the #nav section:

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