Guide to switching a button using JavaScript

I am trying to create a button that will toggle the font size between 16px and 14px when clicked. The button text should also change from "Increase Font" to "Decrease Font" accordingly.

UPDATE: I managed to get it working, but it only toggles twice and then stops functioning.


<p id="increase">Lorem Ipsum.</p>

<input onclick="font()" style="background-color:#72cf26"  type="submit" value="Increase Font" id = "fontbutton"/>


function font(){
  var fontsize = document.getElementById('increase');
  var fontbutton = document.getElementById('fontbutton');

  if (fontbutton.value == "Increase Font"){
    document.getElementById('fontbutton').value = "Decrease Font";
  }else if (fontbutton.value == "Decrease Font"){
    document.getElementById('fontbutton').value = "Increase Font";


   font-size: 14px;

Answer №1

In order to update the font size dynamically, make sure to utilize fontbutton.value over fontbutton.getElementById.value. Additionally, remove the previous class with fontsize.classList.remove before adding the new one with fontsize.classList.add:

function modifyFontSize(){
     var fontsize = document.getElementById('increase');
     var fontbutton = document.getElementById('fontbutton');
     if (fontbutton.value == "Increase Font"){
          fontbutton.value = "Decrease Font";
     }else if (fontbutton.value == "Decrease Font"){
          fontbutton.value = "Increase Font";
     font-size: 14px;
<p id="increase" class="font14">Lorem Ipsum.</p>
<input onclick="modifyFontSize()" style="background-color:#72cf26"  type="submit" value="Increase Font" id = "fontbutton"/>

Answer №2

To meet the mentioned requirement, you can utilize

element.classlist.add and element.classlist.remove functions.

Below is the functional code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
                font-size: 14px;
        <p id="increase">Lorem Ipsum.</p>
        <button id="fontbutton" class="font14" onclick="toggleFont()">
            Increase Font
            function toggleFont() {
                var element = document.getElementById("fontbutton")
                var buttonText = element.innerHTML
                if(buttonText.indexOf("Increase") >= 0) {
                    element.innerHTML = "Decrease font"
                } else {
                    element.innerHTML = "Increase font"

Desired Output:

For more details:

Answer №3

var flag = true;
    if(flag) {
    flag = !flag;
    }else {
    flag = !flag;
   font-size: 14px;
.hidden {
    display: none;

p{ font-size: 10px;}
<script src=""></script>
<p id="increase">Lorem Ipsum.</p>
    <button class="btn">
    <span>Increse Font</span>
    <span class="hidden">Decrese Font</span>

Answer №4

Your method seems overly complicated; instead, JavaScript provides a convenient toggle function for adding or removing classes, returning a boolean value in the process.
The only challenge lies in remembering to include !important to ensure proper sizing.

const paragraphInc = document.getElementById('increase')
  ,   buttonSize   = document.getElementById('fontbutton')
buttonSize.onclick = () =>
  buttonSize.textContent = (paragraphInc.classList.toggle('Size16'))
                          ? 'Decrease Font'
                          : 'Increase Font'
#fontbutton {
  padding: 7px 12px;
#increase {
  font-size: 14px;
.Size16 {
  font-size: 16px !important;
<p id="increase">Lorem Ipsum.</p>

<button id="fontbutton">Increase Font</button>

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