Repairing a CSS file for Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, and 9

Does anyone have experience with troubleshooting HTML5 CSS3 layouts across different browsers?

I recently created a website layout from scratch that looks perfect in Firefox 5, Safari 5.1 and Chrome 12 on Mac. However, when using tools like Adobe BrowserLab to test it, I noticed some issues such as the footer being misplaced, background repeating incorrectly, and submenus appearing unstyled.

Testing the site on Internet Explorer using browserlab or NetRenderer shows even more significant problems:
• In IE9, the radial background is missing, menus are disorganized, and content layout is completely broken.
• In IE8, sometimes the sidebar list takes up the entire space or displays as a black page.
• In IE7, the main content becomes unreadable among other issues.

I currently use two JavaScripts to address IE compatibility and HTML5 support, but they seem to be conflicting, leading to some pages displaying as blank.

I am concerned about the usability of my site for the 13% of visitors who use Internet Explorer. Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated as this issue is delaying the launch of my website.

Link to the problematic site

EDIT1: HTML validated, CSS errors present
EDIT2: Major layout issues resolved, updated link

Answer №1

It appears that html5shiv may not be functioning properly for you, as mentioned by others. I encountered the same issue with html5shiv before, and I switched to using Modernizr which resolved the problem for me (Modernizr offers similar functionalities along with additional features; refer to their website for more details).

Replacing html5shiv with Modernizr could potentially resolve many of the issues you are facing.

To address concerns like the radial background and border-radius on the tabs, consider utilizing CSS3Pie.

Your usage of transparent in the stylesheets may cause compatibility problems, particularly in IE7 (uncertain about IE8). While there are workarounds available to support such elements in IE, they may not be ideal solutions.

The positioning of your rotated menus is inaccurate due to discrepancies in how IE rotates elements compared to other browsers. In IE, the filter style utilizes a different rotation origin point, rotating around the top-left corner instead of the center point as seen in CSS3-compliant browsers.

An effective solution would be adjusting the CSS3 transform-origin style to align the behavior of CSS3 browsers with IE (although modifying IE's origin point can be cumbersome).

You have CSS selectors like this:

.ul_nav_main li a:not(:last-child):after

Note that this won't function correctly in IE8 due to lack of support for :not and :last-child, while :after isn't supported in IE7. Additionally, complex attribute selectors used won't be compatible with older versions of IE.

This covers most of the issues observed. If problems persist after addressing these points, feel free to ask again with a more specific inquiry for better assistance.

I hope this information proves helpful.

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