Discovering an HTML Element in a JavaScript Array with Specific Styling: A Step-by-Step Guide

I am in the process of developing a website that consists of different sections. The concept is simple - by clicking on a button located at the bottom of the page, it will reveal the corresponding div section.

For styling purposes, I have initially hidden all four sections and made only the "home" section visible:

.container-pages {
    display: none;

#home-page {
    display: block;

As for the HTML structure, it primarily includes the sections and associated buttons:

<div id="home-page" class="container-pages">
    <div id="start-page" class="container-pages">
    <div id="learn-page" class="container-pages">
    <div id="contact-page" class="container-pages">
    <div id="bottom-menu">
        <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="home-button">HOME</div>
        <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="start-button">START A PROJECT</div>
        <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="learn-button">LEARN</div>
        <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="contact-button">CONTACT US</div>

Next comes the JavaScript implementation:

// creating an array with the 4 html sections (pages):
const pages = [...document.getElementsByClassName('container-pages')];

// creating an array with the 4 html sections (pages):
const pages = [...document.getElementsByClassName('container-pages')];
.container-pages {
  display: none;

#home-page {
  display: block;
<div id="home-page" class="container-pages">
<div id="start-page" class="container-pages">
<div id="learn-page" class="container-pages">
<div id="contact-page" class="container-pages">

<div id="bottom-menu">
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="home-button">HOME</div>
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="start-button">START A PROJECT</div>
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="learn-button">LEARN</div>
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="contact-button">CONTACT US</div>

Now, my challenge lies in filtering this array to create a new one containing only the <divs> that are currently displayed with the style attribute set to display: block;.

I attempted the following approach:

const currentSelection = pages.filter(div => === 'block');

However, upon logging the currentSelection array to the console, it returns empty. Any insights or assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you, Menmoe.

Answer №1

One convenient method is to consider that === 'block'
will only match if the inline style attribute has set display: block. If the styles are defined in a stylesheet or within a <style> element, then we should utilize
window.getComputedStyle(element, state).propertyName
to retrieve the computed properties applied to the element:

// an array containing 4 sections of HTML (pages):
const pages = [...document.getElementsByClassName('container-pages')],
// using Array.prototype.filter() along with an anonymous Arrow function
// to retain elements from the 'pages' Array based on 'display' being 'block':
visible = pages.filter((page) => window.getComputedStyle(page, null).display === 'block'),
// filtering for pages that have 'display: none':
hidden = pages.filter((page) => window.getComputedStyle(page, null).display === 'none');

console.log(visible, hidden);
.container-pages {
  display: none;

#home-page {
  display: block;
<div id="home-page" class="container-pages">
<div id="start-page" class="container-pages">
<div id="learn-page" class="container-pages">
<div id="contact-page" class="container-pages">

<div id="bottom-menu">
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="home-button">HOME</div>
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="start-button">START A PROJECT</div>
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="learn-button">LEARN</div>
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="contact-button">CONTACT US</div>

Another simpler way could be using the hidden attribute to hide relevant elements:

// creating an array with the 4 html sections (pages):
const pages = [...document.getElementsByClassName('container-pages')],
// filtering elements in the 'pages' Array based on their 'hidden' property being false (visible):
visible = pages.filter((page) => page.hidden === false),
// a similar approach for filtering out hidden pages:
hidden = pages.filter((page) => page.hidden === true);

console.log(visible, hidden);
<div id="home-page" class="container-pages">
<div id="start-page" class="container-pages" hidden>
<div id="learn-page" class="container-pages" hidden>
<div id="contact-page" class="container-pages" hidden>

<div id="bottom-menu">
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="home-button">HOME</div>
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="start-button">START A PROJECT</div>
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="learn-button">LEARN</div>
  <div class="bottom-buttons bottom-menu-items" id="contact-button">CONTACT US</div>

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