Backdrop styling for Material-UI dialogs/modals

Is there a way to customize the semi-transparent overlay of a material-ui dialog or modal? I am currently using material-ui with React and Typescript.

Instead of a dark transparent overlay, I would like it to be transparent white. I am open to a solution using JSS, but also willing to consider an inline style approach.

Answer №1

To customize the backdrop of the modal, you can utilize the BackdropProps property:

          BackdropProps= {{
              classes: {
                  root: classes.backDrop

In your styling code, define the following:

backDrop: {
    background: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)',

Answer №2

In the recent years, there have been some changes to the API for this component. The reference to BackdropProps has now been updated to slotProps.backdrop. This means that the component will now accept a prop called slotProps, which should be an object containing properties, with one of them being backdrop in all lowercase letters. Within the backdrop property, you can specify different settings including a style prop that is used in the usual way.

  slotProps={{ backdrop: { style: { backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)' } } }}

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