What is the recommended way to adjust the width of a paper-textarea element in Polymer 1.0?

Is there a way to adjust the width of a paper-textarea? I have tried using CSS selectors within Polymer 1.0 style tags, but it does not seem to be effective. The paper-textarea element is made up of paper-input-container. I attempted the following approach:

  paper-textarea + paper-input-container {
    min-width: 324px;
    width: 324px;
    margin-right: 24px;
  paper-textarea > paper-input-container {
    min-width: 324px;
    width: 324px;
    margin-right: 24px;
  paper-textarea paper-input-container {
    min-width: 324px;
    width: 324px;
    margin-right: 24px;

Unfortunately, none of these CSS selector combinations seemed to work in my custom element.

Answer №1

    :root {
        --input-style: {
            min-width: 324px;
            width: 324px;
            margin-right: 24px;

This solution is effective for styling polymer elements that utilize a paper-input-container, such as paper-textarea, to the specified width and margin settings.

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