AngularJS users are experiencing issues with the "See More" feature not functioning as expected

One of my tasks involves dealing with a block of text that needs to be truncated using ellipsis. To achieve this, I am utilizing jquery dotdotdot. For more information on dotdotdot, please refer to the documentation.

I have created a straightforward directive as shown below

angular.module('core').directive('dotdotdot', [function () {
  return {
    required: 'ngBind',
    restrict: 'A',
    replace: false,
    priority: 100,
    link: function ($scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
      $scope.isTruncated = false;
      $scope.hasRun = false;
      $scope.$watch(element.html(), function (value) {
        if (!$scope.hasRun) {
          $scope.hasRun = true;
                              after: 'a.dotdotdotMore'});
          $scope.isTruncated = element.triggerHandler('isTruncated');
          if ($scope.isTruncated){
          } else {
              console.log('NOT Truncated');

The ellipsis is successfully applied but I would like it to expand when clicked

This is how my html appears

<div class="review item" data-ng-repeat="review in | orderBy:'order' track by $index">
   <h1 dotdotdot data-ng-bind="" class="testimonial" data-ng-class="{'testimonial-truncate': showTestimonial !== $index}" data-ng-click="testimonialClick($index);"></h1>

The css for testimonial-truncate is defined as follows

.testimonial-truncate {

This is the click function I have implemented

$scope.testimonialClick = function (index) {
      if ($scope.showTestimonial && $scope.showTestimonial === index) {
        $scope.showTestimonial = -1;
      } else {
        $scope.showTestimonial = index;
      $timeout(function() {
      }, 200);

Despite the code being executed, the text remains truncated at the maximum height even after removing the class. I am seeking a solution to make my current implementation work or exploring better alternatives.

Answer №1

It seems like you have multiple blocks of elements that you want to shorten and expand when clicked. To achieve this, you can use ng-class condition in AngularJS. By setting the ng-class to be true for all items initially, and then switching it to false for the clicked element and true for the rest upon clicking.

<div ng-controller="test">
    <div ng-repeat="item in items track by $index">
        <h1 ng-class="{'testimonial-truncate' : expanded != $index }"> 
            {{ item }} 
        <button ng-click="setExpand($index)">expand</button>

Your controller should look like:

app.controller('test', ['$scope', function($scope){
    $scope.expanded = -1;

    $scope.setExpand = function(indx){
        $scope.expanded = indx;

If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out. Additionally, consider adding overflow: hidden to your code for better visibility.

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