Unable to delete the margin of Material-ui TextField

Having trouble removing the padding around material-ui's TextField component when using styled-components and inline styling. Any solutions to this issue? Interestingly, the inline width property is functioning correctly, unlike the styled-component width.

See example below:

Snippet of the code:

const StyledSelect = styled(SelectField)`
  input {
const StyledText = styled(TextField) `
  input {
return (
      style={{ width: '100px', margin: '0px', input: { margin: 0 } }}
      style={{ width: '100px', margin: '0px' }}


Previously using material-ui version 0.X, I upgraded to 1.0.0-beta.26. The problem has slightly improved but is still quite noticeable. Open to suggestions on how to resolve this issue.

Answer №1

Check this out:

In my case, I solved the issue in my code by including style={{marginTop: '-20px'}} in the TextField component:

<TextField style={{marginTop: '-20px'}}/>

For your scenario, you may need to add marginTop: '-20px' to the "StyledText" style={{ section. Experiment with different negative marginTop values until you achieve the desired outcome. To determine the exact value needed, right-click on the area using Google Chrome and select "Inspect" to view the corresponding code. Adjust the negative marginTop value accordingly to counteract any positive value causing issues.

You can find my initial suggestion here: https://github.com/TeamWertarbyte/material-ui-chip-input/issues/91#issuecomment-394498826

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