Is there a way to automatically activate the "Add" button when I hit the enter key in the text box?

Being someone who relies on to-do lists, I implemented a system where you can input tasks into a textbox and click the add button to see them listed below. However, I found it cumbersome to keep clicking the add button every time I wanted to quickly add multiple items. This led me to try implementing a feature that allows users to press Enter for quick additions. Despite several attempts using code from various sources like stackoverflow, I haven't been successful in getting it to work. Hence, I'm reaching out here for some assistance.

Please assist! [the end of the JavaScript part of the snippet is my most recent attempt]

Answer №1

Using a closure can help simplify handling both button and input elements with the same function.

// Select your elements
const textbox = document.querySelector('input');
const listContainer = document.querySelector('div');
const addButton = document.querySelector('button');

// Pass in the textbox and listContainer to the handler
// The handler returns a new function for both elements
const eventHandler = processInput(textbox, listContainer);

addButton.addEventListener('click', eventHandler, false);
textbox.addEventListener('keyup', eventHandler, false);

function processInput(textbox, listContainer) {

  let textValue = '';
  function addToList(outputText) {
    listContainer.innerHTML += `<div>${outputText}</div>`;
    textValue = '';
    textbox.value = '';

  return function(e) {

    const { code, target: { value, type } } = e;

    if (type === 'submit') addToList(textValue);

    if (type === 'text') {
      if (code === 'Enter') {
      } else {
        textValue = value;


<input />
<button>Add to list</button>

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