What is the best way to implement this header style with code?

I came across this design from a potential client recently, even though we didn't end up working together. I thought it would be a good exercise to try coding the design for practice purposes. Just to clarify, this is not my original design and I have no intentions of using it for anything other than practice. That's why I've edited out the name of the company in the design.

However, I'm facing some challenges with the header/navigation area of this design. The side decorations next to the logo and the fact that the logo spans two divs are making it difficult for me to figure out how to code it. I'm seeking advice on how others would approach coding something like this.

My initial thoughts were to have separate divs for each side decoration and maybe use absolute positioning for the logo. Does this sound like the right solution?

At first, I tried incorporating it into the 960 grid system, but the issue of the logo spanning two divs made it really tricky to work within the grid structure.

Answer №1

To optimize your code, consider using a single list and applying a class to the third item to adjust the margin-right for spacing out a h1 logo. This approach maintains semantic markup without requiring multiple nested div's or lists.

An alternative method is utilizing the nth-child CSS selector instead of adding a specific class.

Answer №2

Perhaps you could consider using a font-face for the font if the client has purchased it, as that would simplify things for you.

In addition, I suggest removing the dots between the links and text, utilizing an image for the background, and creating a single UL with each li assigned a class corresponding to the page, such as home, about, galleries. You can then use PHP to add the current_page class dynamically.

Following the galleries section, include another li element with the following markup:

<li class="logo"><a href="/">Logo</a></li>

Add styles like this.

li.logo {
    background: transparent url(....) no-repeat;
    width: width of logo;
    height: height of logo;
    display: block;
    overflow: hidden;

li.logo a {
    text-indent: -9999px;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    display: block;
    overflow: hidden;

If you need assistance implementing this or want to see examples, feel free to reach out to me.

Answer №3

To create a more visually appealing layout, consider splitting the design into two separate rows. The first row can feature the "design" elements flanking the logo image at the center. This arrangement allows you to emphasize the logo without overshadowing the designs. For the second row, divide it into sections for navigation elements and the logo placement. It's advisable to enclose everything within a div container with specified dimensions matching the images' sizes. Keep the structure simple yet functional. While individual divs are an option, they may not be necessary in this case. For a cost-effective solution, stick with the current image and apply an image map to incorporate necessary links. Although this method might exclude features like rollover images, it aligns with a budget-friendly approach. As a learning opportunity, experiment with different coding approaches. Try floating elements, absolute positioning, creating columns and rows, overlaying navigation on a large background image, and exploring other creative methods—just avoid using tables! :)

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