How can you change a particular inline style using the Firefox browser?

I am looking for a solution to override an inline style on a specific webpage within the Firefox browser without access to the source code. Previously, I would manually modify the page source using Firefox development tools.

Specifically, I encounter a webpage with a file upload form where the "submit" button is set to have a visibility of "hidden". The inline style that needs to be overridden is:

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload selected file" style="visibility: hidden">

Is there a way to permanently change the visibility of this submit button within the Firefox browser? I remember a Firefox extension that could achieve this, but I can't seem to recall its name...

Answer №1

give this a shot...

 button[type=submit] {
 display:block !important;

utilize the !important declaration to supersede inline styles

Answer №2

To implement your CSS with maximum priority, don't forget to use the !important rule. There's no need to modify the HTML of your input element.

input[type=submit] {
  display: block !important;  

Answer №3

Here is a helpful resource for anyone curious:

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