Can we stop a specific container from resizing on mobile devices?

My goal is to have the entire page scale down, except for the navigation container. I'm adjusting some CSS rules to improve accessibility on smartphones, but the issue arises with the multiple images it uses. I need these images to display in their original size (1 image pixel equals 1 device screen pixel).

Is there a method to accomplish this without compromising the scaling of the rest of the page?

Answer №1

Without the full context, accomplishing this task may be a bit more challenging. One possible solution could involve using a combination of JavaScript and CSS:

1) Detecting the device-width and comparing it to the document width

To obtain the document width, you can utilize the following code snippet:

var w=window,d=document,e=d.documentElement,g=d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var width = w.innerWidth||e.clientWidth||g.clientWidth;

Subsequently, calculate the ratio by dividing it with screen.width:

var ratio = width / screen.width;

For instance, presuming the device-width is 320px (iPhone portrait) and the page width is 980px (typical iPhone rendering).

980 / 320 = 3.0625.

2) Scaling or zooming your content accordingly

You can achieve this through CSS transforms

-ms-transform: scale(3.0625);
-webkit-transform: scale(3.0625);
-o-transform: scale(3.0625);
-moz-transform: scale(3.0625);
transform: scale(3.0625);

Alternatively, for modern browsers and IE, you can employ CSS zoom property:


Other options include utilizing jQuery UI Effects, jQuery Transit, HTML5 canvas scaling methods (if targeting a canvas), or even pure JavaScript:

document.getElementById("id Of The Content").style.width = document.getElementById("id Of The Content").style.width * 3.0625;
document.getElementById("id Of The Content").style.height = document.getElementById("id Of The Content").style.height * 3.0625;

Feel free to experiment with different scaling and zooming techniques available. It's essential to consider the precision of the scale and how it impacts the final rendering. Please let me know if this approach yields the desired results :-)

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