Tips for creating a scrollable sidebar while ensuring that the deeply nested child pop-up element does not adhere to the scrollable properties

In my project, I am using Vue 3 along with Tailwind CSS and Headless UI. The challenge I am facing is making the sidebar navigation scrollable while ensuring that the pop-up menu appears outside the sidebar. As the number of menu items in the sidebar will increase over time, I need to make sure the sidebar remains scrollable. However, when I try to add "overflow-y-scroll" to the main parent element, the pop-up menu ends up appearing inside the dimensions of the sidebar instead of outside it. How can this issue be resolved? If anyone can offer guidance or shed some light on this problem, I would greatly appreciate it as I have been stuck on this for weeks now.


            !sidebarCollapse ? 'sm:w-52' : 'sm:w-12',
            'hidden sm:fixed sm:bottom-0 sm:left-0 sm:top-12 sm:z-50 sm:block sm:overflow-y-scroll sm:border-r sm:border-gray-200 sm:bg-neutral-50 sm:pb-4',
        ... // code continues (omitted for brevity)

import { ref } from 'vue'
import {
} from '@headlessui/vue'
import {
} from '@heroicons/vue/24/outline'
import { ChevronRightIcon } from '@heroicons/vue/20/solid'

const navigation = [
    { name: 'Dashboard', href: '#', icon: HomeIcon, current: true },
    ... // data continues (omitted for brevity)

const sidebarCollapse = ref(true)

Current Scenario:

Expected Result:

Answer №1

To display the menu properly, it is recommended to render it outside the overflow-y-scroll element. One way to achieve this is by using the <Teleport> component.

Here is a basic example to help you begin:

  1. Enclose the <MenuItems> within <Teleport>:

    <Teleport to="body">
      <transition …>
        <MenuItems …>

    This action moves the sub-menu outside the overflow-y-scroll element, but the elements may not be positioned correctly.

  2. Assign template refs to each of the top-level menu items:

    <li … :ref="(el) => item.el = el">
  3. Set atop value equivalent to the distance from the top edge of the top-level menu item to the top of the viewport:

      :style="{ top: item.el?.getBoundingClientRect().top + 'px' }"

For a working demonstration, refer to the following example on StackBlitz.

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