Embedding Custom CSS Within a Parent CSS Element

After implementing a Wordpress Theme, I encountered the need to customize the styles of one of its elements. (This particular element displays our tours automatically) Currently, the style is as follows:

.tourmaster-tour-grid .tourmaster-tour-content-wrap {
    min-height: 250px;

To make modifications, I introduced a custom CSS class to the element: hp_tour_el. The updated style code looks like this:

.hp_tour_el .tourmaster-tour-grid .tourmaster-tour-content-wrap {
    min-height: 160px;
    height: 130px;

Despite making these changes, there was no visible difference in the output.

Answer №1

After some investigation, I have finally identified the issue. It seems that you have not been setting the min-height property correctly. While the height is set to 170px, the minimum height is at 250px, causing an inconsistency. To resolve this, adjust the min-height to auto and then set the height to your desired value.

.hp_tour_el .tourmaster-tour-content-wrap {
    height: 140px;
    min-height: auto;

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