Is the sidebar hidden only in Internet Explorer 7 and specifically not shown on one particular page?

So, I've been working on a website using Wordpress and created some custom page templates. However, I recently discovered that the sidebar on this specific page doesn't show up in IE 7. This page is using the lawyer.php template.

I'm not sure if it's an issue with the template page itself or if there's a problem with the CSS.

Here's a screenshot showing the problem in IE 7:

See here for the image

Interestingly, the page works fine in all other browsers:

Image for comparison in other browsers

Additionally, I've noticed that the footer on this particular page isn't displaying correctly either.

Please help! I can't seem to figure out why it's showing up like this.

Answer №1

Based on the validation results, it seems that there is a missing closing tag for <div id="wrapper">. While there are some unescaped ampersand errors, they should not impact the display unless you are aiming for flawless validation.

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