Ensure that the assistant stays beneath the cursor while moving it

I am currently working on creating a functionality similar to the 'Sortable Widget', but due to some constraints, I cannot use the premade widget. Instead, I am trying to replicate its features using draggable and droppable elements:

    helper: 'original',
    drag: function(event, ui) {

        ElementWidth = $(this).outerWidth(true);
            LeftElementWidth = $(this).prev().outerWidth(true);
            LeftElementLeftOffset = $(this).prev().offset().left;
            if(parseFloat(ui.offset.left+(ElementWidth/2)) < parseFloat(LeftElementLeftOffset+(LeftElementWidth/2)){

            RightElementWidth = $(this).next().outerWidth(true);
            RightElementLeftOffset = $(this).next().offset().left;
            if(parseFloat(ui.offset.left+(ElementWidth/2)) > parseFloat(RightElementLeftOffset+(RightElementWidth/2)){

$("#Container").droppable({ accept: '.Element' });

The implementation works well, however, there is an issue where the draggable-helper does not stay under the mouse cursor when moving the element to the next position. You can see the problem in action by checking out this fiddle:


If you try sorting the green boxes, you'll notice the discrepancy. Is there a way to keep the helper in the correct position?

Answer №1

Check out this link for more information.

Does this align with your needs? Are you open to utilizing knockout? Unfortunately, I am unable to leave comments as my reputation is under 50.

<a href="#" data-bind="text: name, click: function() { viewModel.selectTask($data); },     visible: $data !== viewModel.selectedTask()"></a>
<input data-bind="value: name, visibleAndSelect: $data === viewModel.selectedTask(), event: { blur: function() { viewModel.selectTask(''); } }" />

Try using the parent and previous location to replicate the desired functionality.

ko.bindingHandlers.sortableList = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, context) {
    $(element).data("sortList", valueAccessor()); //attach meta-data
        start: function(event, ui) {
            //track the original position of the element
            var parent = ui.item.parent();
            var prev = ui.item.prev();
            //create a function to move it back (if it has a prev sibling, insert after it, otherwise put it at the beginning)
            ui.item.moveItemBack = prev.length ? function() { ui.item.insertAfter(prev); } : function() { parent.prepend(ui.item); };
        update: function(event, ui) {
            var item = ui.item.data("sortItem");
            if (item) {
                //identify parents
                var originalParent = ui.item.data("parentList");
                var newParent = ui.item.parent().data("sortList");

                //figure out its new position
                var position = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(ui.item.parent().children(), ui.item[0]);

                if (position >= 0) {
                    //move the element back to its original position and let KO handle adding it to the new parent
                    if (originalParent !== newParent) {

                    //place item in the proper position
                    newParent.splice(position, 0, item);
        connectWith: '.container'

Would you like the divs to be displayed next to each other?

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