How to apply unique styles to multiple elements with the same class using jQuery?

How can I add different classes to multiple div elements with the same class based on their content?

<div class = "flag"> Yes </div>
<div class = "flag"> No </div>
<div class = "flag"> Yes </div>
<div class = "flag"> Yes </div>
<div class = "flag"> No </div>

To style them in CSS:

.yes {
   color: green;

.no {
   color: red;

I attempted the following jQuery code, but it is not working as intended:

    if($(this).text().trim() == "Yes") {
    } else {

Answer №1

A few issues need to be addressed in the code:

  • Make sure to select only the specific .flag element within the loop iteration by using the this keyword.
  • Note that JavaScript is case sensitive, so ensure that you are comparing the content correctly (e.g., compare "Yes" not "yes").
  • The content may have leading or trailing whitespace that needs to be removed for accurate comparison. You can utilize the trim() method for this purpose.

$(".flag").each(function() {
  if ($(this).text().trim() == "Yes") {
  } else {
.yes { color: green; }
.no { color: red; }
<script src=""></script>
<div class="flag"> Yes </div>
<div class="flag"> No </div>
<div class="flag"> Yes </div>
<div class="flag"> Yes </div>
<div class="flag"> No </div>

Alternatively, a more concise approach is possible by using an implicit loop with addClass() and a ternary expression:

$(".flag").addClass(function() {
  return $(this).text().trim() == "Yes" ? 'yes' : 'no';
.yes { color: green; }
.no { color: red; }
<script src=""></script>
<div class="flag"> Yes </div>
<div class="flag"> No </div>
<div class="flag"> Yes </div>
<div class="flag"> Yes </div>
<div class="flag"> No </div>

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