Having trouble getting CSS hover to work on hidden elements?

I am having trouble getting the rollover effect to work correctly on this page, and I can't seem to figure out what's causing the issue.

My CSS is quite basic:


If you would like to take a look at the page I'm working on, you can find it here.

I apologize for the messy code - I'm just trying to get the roll over effect to function properly as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience!

Answer №1

To create a transition effect, you can utilize the opacity property:


Answer №2

The issue arises when trying to hover over a hidden element, as discussed in this thread.

An effective solution shared there involves using a div with an image background, like the example below:

div.active { background: none; width: 137px; height: 49px; }
div.active:hover { background:url('images/butterfly_15.gif'); }
<div class="active"></div>

Alternatively, utilizing image sprites can also be a viable option (source)

For a demonstration, refer to this JSFiddle example.

Answer №3

Give this code a try, it should function perfectly


<a class="show" href="">Show</a>

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