What is the best way to create an interactive menu icon that includes dropdown options using MUI menu features?

i am looking to create a component similar to this

currently, I am utilizing a material UI pop menu in my project

below is the JSX code snippet

<div className="navMenu" style={{ position: "relative" }}>
        <Tooltip title="Menu">
                anchorMenu === null
                  ? ""
                  : "rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.2) 0px .1rem .2rem 0px, rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.05) 0px .1rem .3rem .1rem",
              color: anchorMenu === null ? "black" : "#e57373",
              zIndex: "2",
            <BiMenu style={{ cursor: "pointer" }} size={"2.5rem"} />
            style: {
              borderRadius: ".1rem",
                "rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.2) 0px .1rem .2rem 0px, rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.05) 0px .1rem .3rem .1rem",
              zIndex: "1",
              transform: "translateX(-.5rem)",
          <MenuItem sx={{ fontSize: "1.1rem" }} onClick={closeMenu}>
            Contact us
          {location[2] === "analysis" ? (
            <MenuItem sx={{ fontSize: "1.1rem" }} onClick={generateQuery}>
          ) : (
            <MenuItem sx={{ fontSize: "1.1rem" }} onClick={dashboard}>

          <MenuItem sx={{ fontSize: "1.1rem" }} onClick={handleSignOut}>
            Sign out

the necessary imports are as follows

import { Tooltip, Menu, MenuItem } from "@mui/material";

this is what I achieved with the aforementioned code

I'm struggling to differentiate those two elements with box shadow, as I attempted to make that component appear as one cohesive unit but failed. The issue lies in positioning the burger icon above the options paper with appropriate z-index, which proved to be challenging for me.

below is the CSS for the container divs


    position: relative;
    width : 3rem;
    height : 2.5rem;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    margin-right: 1rem;

I would appreciate it if someone could offer a proper solution

here is the link to the sandbox containing my attempt


Answer №1

When working with the Menu component as a child of the Modal component, keep in mind that the Modal has a z-index of 1300. To ensure that the burger icon appears above the Menu component, set its z-index to a value higher than 1300.

Answer №2

Check out the latest version of sandcodebox here

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