Is the contact form confirmation message displaying too prominently?

I am currently troubleshooting two different forms on a website I'm developing, and I am unsure of the exact cause of the issue.

Form 1:

Form 2:

When attempting to submit Form 1 without entering any information, an error message is displayed exactly as intended.

However, when attempting to submit Form 2 without entering any information, an error message is displayed higher up on the page compared to Form 1.

I am having trouble identifying whether CSS, Javascript, or HTML is causing this discrepancy. Can anyone provide assistance in resolving this issue?

Answer №1

After some searching, I discovered a quick fix for your issue:

style="margin-bottom: -40px;"

You should add this code to the errorcontainer div within your first form.

It will end up looking like this:

<div class="errorcontainer" style="margin-bottom: -40px;"></div>

Surprisingly, sometimes a simple tweak like this does the trick.

Answer №2

The solution provided here does indeed tackle your issue, although it may be a temporary fix and could become cumbersome if the problem persists in the future. (Personally, I tend to avoid inline styles as they can mix presentation with content.)

The root of the issue lies within the <textarea> just above the error message. By inspecting them using web developer tools, you'll notice that the functioning one has a margin-bottom of 20px applied, unlike the non-functioning counterpart. This margin is set by the styling on

.slickwrap input, textarea, select
in "slickform-standalone.css". Without this margin, the error message will appear too high above the <textarea>.

The culprit behind this discrepancy is the inclusion of "bootstrap.css" on the second webpage. The default styles for a <textarea> in Bootstrap include margin:0, which overrides the existing margin-bottom setting.

To remedy this situation, consider removing "bootstrap.css" from the second page. If specific styles are needed from Bootstrap for certain elements, extract only those necessary styles. It's not ideal to load an entire CSS framework for minimal use, as it adds unnecessary bulk to the client-side and can lead to unforeseen style conflicts.

If retaining "bootstrap.css" is essential, you can add a class or modify an existing definition to both <textarea> elements:

    margin-bottom: 20px;

This adjustment will override the troublesome Bootstrap style, ensuring both <textarea> elements have consistent spacing below them and align the error message correctly.

I hope this guidance proves helpful. Feel free to reach out if you have any further inquiries.

EDIT: Remember to remove any negative inline margin-bottom set on your error message to prevent any misalignment.

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