Splitting columns evenly in a table with a width of 100%

Welcome to my first query on this platform. Despite my efforts to search for a solution, I couldn't find an explanation as to why my code isn't functioning correctly in Internet Explorer (10+).

I have created three divs displayed as cells, each with a width of 100%. My intention was for all three to occupy the maximum possible width within their parent div displayed as a table (with a width of 100% of the body). While Firefox and Chrome render the layout as expected, IE behaves differently by setting all three divs as 100% wide.

Here is the code snippet:


<div id="picture-holder">
    <div class="each-picture" id="picture-red">
    <div class="each-picture" id="picture-blue">
    <div class="each-picture"  id="picture-green">


 overflow: hidden;
 background-position:center center;
 -moz-transition:width 2s;
 -webkit-transition: all .5s;
 transition: width 0.5s;

This fiddle should provide more clarity: http://jsfiddle.net/AU4f5/

I appreciate any assistance and forgive any errors in spelling or grammar. I trust that this question aligns with the community guidelines.

Answer №1

To ensure the proper formatting of your table cells with the class "each-picture", it is important to remove the CSS setting width: 100% from the div elements. By using table-layout: fixed on their container, you can evenly divide the available width among these elements.

Avoid manually setting the widths of the inner div elements, or "cells." If necessary, set their width to 33.3333%. Assigning a width of 100% to each cell will cause conflicts as browsers may interpret this differently and attempt to allocate 100% of the total width to each cell, which is not feasible.

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