Creating a Masonry Slider with varying heights and widths of images is a simple and effective way to showcase diverse content in a visually

I am looking to implement a unique grid image slider that accommodates images of varying heights and widths. I envision something similar to the example shown below.

The image showcases a pattern where the sliders alternate between square images and two rectangle images, then back to a square image, and so on...

Does anyone have recommendations for a slider plugin that can handle this type of image arrangement?

Answer №1

If you're looking to customize your slideshow, consider using Swiper.js. You can apply a unique class to each swiper-slide element, such as swiper-slide grid-squire.

<div class="swiper-container">
    <div class="swiper-wrapper">
        <div class="swiper-slide grid-squire">
            <img data-src="1.jpg" class="squire-image-type-1">
            <img data-src="2.jpg" class="squire-image-type-2">
            <img data-src="3.jpg" class="squire-image-type-3"> 
        <div class="swiper-slide grid-rectangle">
            <img data-src="4.jpg" class="rectangle-image-type-1">
            <img data-src="5.jpg" class="rectangle-image-type-2">
            <img data-src="6.jpg" class="rectangle-image-type-3"> 

You can achieve a layout similar to this example, where elements are displayed per slide instead of per column.

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