Limiting text based on the space it occupies

Is it feasible to restrict the number of characters allowed in an input field based on the space they occupy?

For instance, W's and M's require enough space for 34 of them.

However, regular sentences of the same length only take up about half as much space as the W's and M's.

What I'm looking to achieve is the ability to type anything into the input field as long as its size can accommodate it. Is this possible?

Answer №1

To begin, you can determine the size of your input by accessing its dimensions using the following code snippet:

const element = document.getElementById('yourInputId');
const elementStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
const inputSize = {width: elementStyle.width, height: elementStyle.height};

Next, in a separate method and assuming you have knowledge of the font and font-size of your text (if not, refer to Angular Documentation), you can create a function like this:

pixelLength(text: string, fontSize: number) {
  const canvas = document.createElement('CANVAS');
  const attribute = document.createAttribute('id');
  attribute.value = 'myId';
  const context: any =  document.getElementById('myId');
  const ctx = context.getContext('2d');
  ctx.font = fontSize.toString() + 'px Helvetica';
  const length = ctx.measureText(text).width;
  return length;

You may choose to utilize this function within a custom form control to determine if it exceeds the inputSize.width.

If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to ask :) Happy coding!

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