Adjusting the inner div dimensions to be 100% of the body's size without relying on the parent div using JavaScript

I have a main layer with multiple layers stacked on top of it. I need the second layer to extend its width to match the body's width.

Main Project:

What I've tried:

I looked into: Solution for matching div width with body

One solution that worked was:

However, this approach did not work for my project, possibly due to the parallax JS. When implemented, here is what happened:

I also experimented with using vw for the width unit, suggesting that I may need to adjust my JS instead of just CSS

The end goal is to have the second layer at 100% width and the third layer at 100% height, similar to this example image: view example

Answer №1

Check out this JSFiddle link:

My recommendation is to experiment with the vh and vw units for a possible improvement in your design. Consider organizing all elements as siblings and utilizing the z-index property instead of nesting them, allowing you to use percentages for all elements effectively.

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