What is the best way to align HTML inputs within a grid, whether it be done automatically or manually using JavaScript?

Arrange 20 HTML inputs with various data types into grid-columns as the user inputs data. Ensure that the grid container has div elements correctly positioned for output.

Answer №1

It appears you are looking for a way to dynamically display elements within a grid as the user types in real-time.

Here is one approach:

1 - Using HTML directly :

You can utilize the "oninput" property of GlobalEventHandlers along with the value of each input field:

For example, if we have: (USER INPUT)

<input type="text" 
    oninput="nameOutput.value = userName.value"/>

which corresponds to : (USER OUTPUT)

<input id="nameOutput">

Ensure that you use IDs to link both input fields so that you can obtain the input value in real-time.

2 - Implementing a JavaScript function :

By assigning a JavaScript function to "oninput", you can use innerHTML to change content and classList.add() to style the output accordingly.

Furthermore, you can define CSS classes to position elements within a grid based on your preferences:


.showNameOutput {
  grid-column: 5/6;
  grid-row: 1/2;
  background-color: blue;

Then, apply this class to the selected element using JavaScript:


const nameOutput = document.querySelector('.nameOutput');

function myFunction() {

The function will execute whenever the user types in the input, causing the output element to adjust its position within the grid.

You can refer to the provided example for a more visual representation:

Example Link

Another method involves using a form with an array to store values and display them together upon submission.

I hope this explanation clarifies things for you.

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