CSS or jQuery: Which is Better for Hiding/Showing a Div Within Another Div?

Show only class-A at the top of the page while hiding all other classes (x,x,c).
Hide only class-A while showing all other classes (x,x,c).

Is it possible to achieve this?

<div class="x">
    <div class="y">
        <div class="z"></div>
<div class="A">
    <div class="y">
        <div class="z"></div>
<div class="x">
    <div class="w">
        <div class="q"></div>
<div class="C">
    <div class="p">
        <div class="s"></div>

It would be ideal if the code contains only class-A without mention of other classes (x,c), as they may change dynamically.

I attempted this solution: http://jsfiddle.net/smilyface/qX546/

Answer №1

Here is a simple solution you can implement:

const elementA = document.querySelector('div.A');
const otherElements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div')).filter(element => !element.classList.contains('A') && !(element.parentElement.classList && element.parentElement.classList.contains('A')));
elementA.style.display = 'toggle';
otherElements.forEach(element => {
    element.style.display = 'toggle';

Check out the code example on JSFiddle

Answer №2

Here is a way to verify:

}else if($("div:not('.A')").is(':visible')){


Hopefully this solution proves useful to you.

Answer №3

If you prefer, you can achieve the same result using a toggle function, but first you need to ensure that class A is hidden when the page loads:



Check out the code on jsfiddle for demonstration.

Answer №4

To simplify the structure, I recommend grouping the three DIVs (a,x,c) within a single outer DIV.

<div class="x">
<div class="outer">
    <div class="A">
    <div class="x">
    <div class="C">

In your CSS, you can initially set .outer to display:none.

.outer { display: none; }

Then, with jQuery, you can use $('.x').toggle() and $('.outer').toggle() to control visibility.

If you prefer an easier method, simply add a classname to both DIVs and call toggle() on that class.

<div class="x toggleMe">
<div class="toggleMe" style="display:none;">
    <div class="A">
    <div class="x">
    <div class="C">

Using jQuery:


Answer №5

It is completely feasible to achieve this.

To start, set display:none; as the default for class A, and leave the rest of your classes unaffected.

Then use jQuery to toggle both classes on and off.

For example:

//in css
.A {
   display: none;

//in js


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