Using JavaScript to modify the -webkit-animation-play-state

Hello, I'm currently facing a challenge in changing my css3 -webkit-animation-play-state property from paused to running upon clicking on another div. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can achieve this? I believe JavaScript might be the way to go.

Answer №1

It seems like accomplishing this task without the use of JavaScript is unlikely. By implementing JavaScript, you can retrieve the style.webkitAnimationPlayState of the specific element you want to modify. If the value is an empty string, then it indicates that it is currently set to its initial state, which is "running".

In the provided code snippet, clickDiv refers to the div that triggers the action when clicked, while animationDiv corresponds to the div whose webkit-animation-play-state property is being altered:

clickDiv.addEventListener("click", function(){
    if ( == "paused") { = "running";
    }else if( == "running" || == ""){ = "paused"; // toggling assumption

Check out the demo here!

Answer №2

Check out this amazing example at

var animationDiv = document.getElementById("aD");
var clickDiv = document.getElementById("cD");
clickDiv.addEventListener("click", function(){
    if ( == "") { = " anim .5s forwards";
//change the line below for a different animation effect
// = " anim running  .1s infinite";
    }else{ = ""; // assuming you want to toggle
 #aD{ background-color:green;
 margin:2px 0 5px 2px;}
@keyframes anim{
   0%{ background-color:green;}
  100%{ background-color:red;}
#aD:hover{animation: anim 1s infinite;
<div id="aD">animated div</div>
<div id="cD">click div</div>

Modify the commented line to try out different animations

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