Using Selenium 2 to dynamically insert CSS styles into the currently visible webpage

I experimented with using jQuery on a webpage that has already been modified by jQuery in order to add custom CSS code:

jQuery('head').append('<style type=\"text/css\">body { background: #000; }</style>');

When I ran this code, the page's background immediately changed to black, which was expected. However, when attempting the same action using Selenium 2 (Java), there was no visible change:

((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver).executeScript("jQuery('head').append('<style type=\"text/css\">body { background: #000; }</style>');");

It seems like jQuery is being loaded correctly. Any thoughts on why this approach doesn't seem to be working as expected?

Answer №1

What's the point of resorting to a clumsy style tag injection method that relies on jQuery? Why not opt for a straightforward approach like = '#000';

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