How to Create a Compact JavaFX ComboBox

I'm attempting to create a more compact version of the ComboBox, but no matter what I try, the space between the text and arrow button remains consistent.

When using the following CSS:

.combo-box-base > *.arrow-button {
    -fx-padding: 0 0 0 0;
    -fx-background-color: pink, pink, pink, pink;

The arrow button shrinks, but the ComboBox itself retains its original size, resulting in an increased space between the text and arrow.

If I try this:

.combo-box > .list-cell {
    -fx-padding: 0 0 0 0;
    -fx-border-insets: 0 0 0 0;

The combo box becomes shorter in height, but the width stays the same.

Is there a way to decrease the preferred size of the combo box by reducing the space between the text and the arrow?

Answer №1

While this question may be dated, I encountered the same issue and was determined to find a solution. By carefully debugging the JavaFX code step by step, I identified the source of the additional space that was causing problems.

Within the ComboBoxListViewSkin class, the width calculation for the ComboBox is handled by default. The compute method in this class delegates the computation to its superclass and compares the results with the preferred width obtained from the listView field.

/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) {
    double superPrefWidth = super.computePrefWidth(height, topInset, rightInset, bottomInset, leftInset);
    double listViewWidth = listView.prefWidth(height);
    double pw = Math.max(superPrefWidth, listViewWidth);


    return pw;

Interestingly, the listView field actually represents an Anonymous Classes instance that extends ListView, adding specific functionality for ComboBox. One overridden method within this anonymous class,

protected double computePrefWidth(double height)
, contains a line responsible for the unwanted additional whitespace.

pw = Math.max(comboBox.getWidth(), skin.getMaxCellWidth(rowsToMeasure) + 30);

The addition of 30 to the widest cell's width is hardcoded, making it challenging to modify easily. This detail initially escaped my notice, leading to confusion during the debugging process. Although one option would be to extend the ComboBoxListViewSkin class and override the computePrefWidth method, it seems more fitting for the default implementation of ComboBoxListViewSkin to offer a straightforward way to adjust this extra whitespace. As a result, I've submitted an issue on GitHub addressing this concern.

Answer №2

Have you considered adjusting the padding for .combox-box > .text-input?
The Oracle documentation on ComboBox CSS suggests that this could be a factor in the padding issue.
For further CSS development, using the CSS inspector in SceneBuilder2 or tools like ScenicView can be helpful. ScenicView offers real-time CSS modifications, enhancing the debugging process significantly.

Answer №3

Make sure to review the Hgrow property. It needs to be properly configured in the layout manager for the combo box.

Create a ComboBox field and then set the Hgrow property using HBox.setHgrow(field, Priority.NEVER);

Additionally, don't forget to check the preferred and maximum width settings. These should be adjusted to USE_COMPUTED_SIZE (if using SceneBuilder) or consult documentation for code implementation.

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