Tally up the values of selected checkboxes


I'm in search of a method to tally up data-values associated with checkboxes. In the example provided below, selecting locations from the checkboxes results in the calculation of primary values, which are displayed in the green box. I also need to determine the total count for Screens, Range, and Other, which should be shown in the SUMMARY section. Appreciate any assistance!

An efficient way needs to be discovered to calculate data-values affiliated with checkboxes. This specific code snippet showcases how the main values are computed after you select different places via checkboxes. It's critical to track the combined count of Screens, Range, and Other as well. These aggregated totals will be displayed under the SUMMARY section of the page layout. Your input on achieving this result would be highly appreciated.
There is an urgent requirement to determine the cumulative sum of data-values related to the selection of checkboxes. The script provided here illustrates the computation logic behind the main values derived from checkbox inputs corresponding to various places. Additionally, valuable insights regarding the collective counts for Screens, Range, and Other must be visualized within the SUMMARY segment. Seeking guidance on integrating this functionality effectively into the existing framework, thank you for your support.


Answer №1

Throughout this process, I've introduced specific id selectors to the fields and developed a render function tailored for summarizing purposes.

var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.sum')
var select = document.querySelector('#select')
var total3 = document.querySelector('#payment-total')
var total6 = document.querySelector('#payment-total2')
var total12 = document.querySelector('#payment-total3')
const totalScreenDiv = document.querySelector('#total-screen');
const totalRangeDiv = document.querySelector('#total-range');
const totalOtherDiv = document.querySelector('#total-other');
const screen1 = document.querySelector('#screen-1');
const screen2 = document.querySelector('#screen-2');
const screen3 = document.querySelector('#screen-3');
const range1 = document.querySelector('#range-1');
const range2 = document.querySelector('#range-2');
const range3 = document.querySelector('#range-3');
const other1 = document.querySelector('#other-1');
const other2 = document.querySelector('#other-2');
const other3 = document.querySelector('#other-3');

// Additional JavaScript code

<div class="styling">

<script type="text/javascript">

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