I am developing a quiz application using JavaScript, and I am wondering how I can smoothly transition from one question to the

I'm working on developing a quiz application and I'm facing an issue where my quiz is skipping question 2 when moving from one question to the next using the "next" button. I have a total of 3 questions in my quiz and for some reason, it jumps from question 1 to question 3 without displaying question 2. I would greatly appreciate any assistance or tips on how to fix this problem. You can view my code on CodePen via the following link: https://codepen.io/Michaelm4100/pen/GRQxNQO?editors=1011

// Function to toggle active-question class for each question 
function activeQuestion(el) {
   var que = document.getElementsByClassName('question');

    for (var questions of que) {
      // console.log(questions)
      // Remove active-question class 

var nextButton = document.getElementsByClassName('nxt-btn'); 

for (var buttons of nextButton) 
  buttons.addEventListener('click', function(e){
    // Call the active Question function on button click event 

Answer №1

When looping through elements using var questions of que, the final value of questions will be the last element. This means that if you try to add a class with

after the loop, it will always target the final element.

To fix this issue, maintain an index variable to keep track of the active question at any given time.

const questions = document.querySelectorAll('.question');
let activeQuestionIndex = 0;
for (const nextButton of document.getElementsByClassName('nxt-btn')) {
    nextButton.addEventListener('click', () => {

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