What is the best way to incorporate a dynamic background in NextJS using Tailwind?

I have a poster image that I want to use as a background image, fetched from MovieDb. I tried putting it inside the className like this: className={

bg-[url('${path}')] h-screen bg-cover  bg-center text-white border-b-8 border-b-solid border-b-slate-400
}. However, it is throwing an error.

Module not found: Can't resolve './${path}'

Import trace for requested module:


I also want to include my browse.tsx file

import { GetStaticProps } from "next";
import React from "react";
import { getData } from "./api/randomMovie";
import { getServerSideProps } from "./gr-en";

export default function Browse({ movies }) {
  const { poster_path } = movies;
  const path =
  return (
      className={`bg-[url('${path}')] h-screen bg-cover  bg-center text-white border-b-8 border-b-solid border-b-slate-400`}
      <nav className="grid grid-cols-2 py-2 text-white  bg-black/60">
        <div className="flex col-span-full ml-10">
          <div className="text-white  mt-2 ">
              viewBox="0 0 300 81.387"
              <g fill="#e50914">
                <path d="M256.09 76.212c4.178.405 8.354.84 12.52 1.29l9.198-22.712 8.743 24.807c4.486.562 8.97 1.152 13.44 1.768l-15.328-43.501L299.996 0H287.01l-.135.186-8.283 20.455L271.32.003h-12.822l13.237 37.565-15.644 38.644zM246.393 75.322V0h-12.817v74.265c4.275.33 8.552.684 12.817 1.056M150.113 71.11c3.46 0 6.916.026 10.366.054V43.492h15.397V31.708H160.48v-19.91h17.733V0h-30.6v71.12c.831 0 1.666-.013 2.5-.01M110.319 71.83c4.27-.152 8.544-.28 12.824-,.384V11.8h11.98V.003H98.339V11.8h11.982v60.03h-.002zM12.295 79.772V34.897L27.471 77.96c4.667-.524 9.341-1.017 14.028-1.483V.001H29.201v46.483L12.825.001H0v81.384h.077c4.063-.562 8.14-1.096 12.218-1.613M85.98 11.797V.001H55.377V75.202a1100.584 1100.584 0 0 1 30.578-2.211V61.184c-5.916,.344-11.82,.74-17.71,1.181V43.497h15.397V31.706H68.245V11.797H85.98zM203.614 60.62V-.003h-12.873v71.876c10.24,.376 20.44,.9 30.606,1.56V61.619c-5.9,-.381-11.81,-.712-17.733,-1" />
          <ul className="flex ml-10 mt-4">
            <li className="mx-2">Home</li>
            <li className="mx-2">TV Shows</li>
            <li className="mx-2">Movies</li>
            <li className="mx-2">New & Popular</li>
            <li className="mx-2">My List</li>
        <ul className="flex ml-10 pt-3 col-end-6 mr-10">
          <li className="mx-2">Search</li>
          <li className="mx-2">Kids</li>
          <li className="mx-2">Bell</li>
          <li className="mx-2">User</li>
          <li className="mx-2">My List</li>

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context) => {
  const movies = await getData();

  return {
    props: { movies },

How can I dynamically add a path inside a className using template literals?

Answer №1

It's important to note that in Tailwind, you cannot use string concatenation to generate CSS class names, as discussed in this answer.

To work around this deliberate decision by the Tailwind team and accommodate dynamic styles for each movie, it is recommended to apply the background-image style inline.

<div styles={{backgroundImage:`url(${path})`}} classNames="....">

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