Transform the image background on mouse hover using CSS

On my php page, I am dynamically visualizing thumbnails. To ensure that they are all the same size, I use the following method:

<a class="zoom" href="...">
<img src="thumb/default.png" width="130" style="background-image:url(thumb/<?php echo $images_jpg;?>);" class="centered" />


img.centered {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center center;

/* 1 attempt */
a.zoom:hover {
background-image: url(thumb/zoom.jpg);

/* 2 attempt */
a.zoom img:hover {
background-image: url(thumb/zoom.jpg);

I am trying to display a different image on hover event, but it does not seem to work. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this? Thank you.

Answer №1

You might consider approaching it in this manner.


<div class="image" style="background-image:url(;">
    <div class="overlay"></div>


.image {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    border: 1px solid;
.overlay {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
.overlay:hover {
    background: url(;

Here, we have the image fetched through PHP displayed on top as a div. The overlay is nested inside, containing the image to be shown when hovered over by a user. By setting the width and height to 100%, it covers the parent div completely while triggering the hover effect.


Answer №2

Your illustration demonstrates how the <img> consistently goes on top of the <a> background image. To address this issue, you could potentially conceal the image when hovering over it. However, some might find this solution unappealing ;)

a.zoom:hover {
    background-image: url(thumb/zoom.jpg);

a.zoom:hover img
   opacitiy: 0;

Answer №3

give this a shot

<img class="centered" src="thumb/default.png"/>

also use jquery


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