I seem to be struggling with hiding/showing a div element. Can you figure

I am in the process of creating a gallery that will display a div with images when a button is clicked.

The issue I am facing is that when I have two buttons, only the last images are clickable. It's a bit difficult to explain, but you can see it in action on my website:

Is it incorrect to have two scripts like this?

Script 1:

<script type="text/javascript">


Script 2:

<script type="text/javascript">



<div class="row">

<div class="container">


        <div class="center">
        <a href="#show_priv" class="show_priv">Private projects</a>
        <div class="slidingpriv">

        <a href="pages/inasecond/inasecond.html"><div id="imgstyle" class="image"> 
        <img href="" src="img/inasecond.jpg" width="300" height="300"  alt=""/></a> 

        <a href="pages/2012/2012.html"><div id="imgstyle" class="image">
        <img src="img/2012.jpg" width="300" height="300"  alt=""/> </div></a>

        <a href="pages/greenlights/greenlights.html"><div id="imgstyle" class="image">
        <img src="img/Cover-text.jpg" width="300" height="300"  alt=""/> </div> </a> 



        <div class="center">
        <a href="#show_gf" class="show_gf">Grundforløb</a>

        <div class="slidinggf">

        <a href="pages/inasecond/inasecond.html"><div id="imgstyle" class="image"> 
        <img href="" src="img/inasecond.jpg" width="300" height="300"  alt=""/></a> 

        <a href="pages/2012/2012.html"><div id="imgstyle" class="image">
        <img src="img/2012.jpg" width="300" height="300"  alt=""/> </div></a>

        <a href="pages/greenlights/greenlights.html"><div id="imgstyle" class="image">
        <img src="img/Cover-text.jpg" width="300" height="300"  alt=""/> </div> </a> 



    margin:0 auto;
    .show_priv {
    /*background-color: #99CCFF;*/


    .slidinggf {
    /**background-color: #99CCFF;**/

    .show_gf {
    /*background-color: #99CCFF;*/
    .slidingpriv {
    /**background-color: #99CCFF;**/

Thank you! ;)

Answer №1

One effective way to troubleshoot browser issues is by utilizing the developer tools available in your browser. These tools are user-friendly and can help you easily debug problems, such as using the inspect element feature.

To access these developer tools:

Visit Chrome Developer Tools

Explore Mozilla Developer Tools

The developer tools can assist you in identifying elements that may be causing obstacles in terms of clickable functionality, even when you believe everything should be working correctly.

Additionally, consider consolidating scripts within the same document (e.g., $(document).ready(function(){});) for smoother execution.

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