Tips for dynamically changing the style (color/fill) of material-ui elements when generating them within a map function

I am struggling to dynamically change the style (colors) of elements in list items generated from a map function that includes rgb-color values. While using classes can work, trying to dynamically set the style based on the data/color provided in the object array proves to be a challenge. The attempts below display the color as fill="rgb(48, 183, 0)", but the predefined classes still take precedence over the dynamically added style.

        renderValue={(selected) => selected.join(", ")}
        onChange={(event) => {
           filterList[index] =;
           onChange(filterList[index], index, column);
        }}   >

       {{ id, name, color} ) =>(
            MenuItem key={id} value={name} style={{ fill: `${color}%`, color: `${color}%` }}  >
                   fill={color}  style={{ fill: `${color}%`, color: `${color}%` }}  />
               <ListItemText primary={name}
                   color= {color}  />

               <IconButton color={color}
                   style={{ fill: `${color}%`, color: `${color}%` }}    />


I have also attempted the following:

{render_filter_process_status_colors(color)} instead of '<IconButton ..../>'

with the function defined as:

const render_filter_process_status_colors = (value, tableMeta, updateValue) =>  {
if(value === undefined) return;

return (
            <FontAwesomeIcon icon={"square"} style={value} size={"lg"} fixedWidth/>

but it has not yielded the desired outcome.

Thank you

Answer №1

Utilizing the following function


as defined below

const generate_colored_icon = (value, meta, updateValue) =>  {
if(value === undefined) return;
const iconColor = {color: value}
return (
            <FontAwesomeIcon icon={"square"} style={iconColor} size={"lg"} fixedWidth/>
); }

I am able to display an icon in the specified color from my array of RGB colors.

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