Dynamic content cannot have classes added to them using jQuery

When adding content dynamically, it is necessary to use an event handler for a parent element using on(). However, I am facing an issue where the class added with addClass on dynamically generated content disappears immediately.

Let's take a look at the relevant part of the HTML code:

<div id="training_management_categories_items">
    <ul style="list-style: none; margin-left:0px; margin-top:0px; padding:0px;" id="training_management_categories_items_ul">

Below is the code snippet responsible for adding dynamic elements:

function GetCategories()
  var url = './ajax/training_management_data.php';
  $('#training_management_categories_items').html('<ul style="list-style: none; margin-left:0px; margin-top:0px; padding:0px;" id="training_management_categories_items_ul"></ul>');
  $('#training_management_categories_items_ul').append(' \
    <li class="training_management_categories_list"> \
      <a href="" class="training_management_categories_list_a" id="training_management_categories_list_a_all">All</a> \
    </li> \
    url: url,
    type: "POST",
    data: "action=get_categories",
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {
      $.each(data, function(index, data) {
        $('#training_management_categories_items_ul').append(' \
          <li class="training_management_categories_list"> \
            <a href="" class="training_management_categories_list_a" id="training_management_categories_list_a_'+data.id+'">'+data.name+'</a> \
          </li> \

$(document).ready(function() {

However, when clicking on one of the dynamically created elements, the class is only temporarily added for a brief moment. Here is the specific code causing the issue:

$('#training_management_categories_items').on('click', '.training_management_categories_list_a', function () {
    $(this).addClass('categories_selected'); // DOESN'T WORK
    alert( $( this ).text() ); // THIS WORKS

The CSS code for the elements looks fine and nothing seems out of place. The issue persists even after checking the CSS properties. Any ideas on what might be causing this behavior?

a.training_management_categories_list_a {
    background-size:16px 16px;
    background-position:4px 2px;

a.training_management_categories_list_a:hover {

a#training_management_categories_list_a_all {

a.categories_selected {
    background-color:#aaa !important;

It is worth mentioning that jquery-1.10.2.js is being used in this scenario.

Answer №1

After testing your code on a jsfiddle demonstration here: http://jsfiddle.net/carloscalla/n42m6gpf/1/

It appears that the issue is with the color setting in your a.categories_selected element, where the same color as before (on hover) is being applied. To showcase this, I changed it to yellow using

background-color: yellow !important;
. Click the link provided to see how the background color changes before the alert message appears.

UPDATE: It's worth noting for future reference that anchor elements reload the page, causing styles to revert to their initial state. Since you are using ajax and don't want the page to reload, make sure to pass an e parameter to your function and utilize e.preventDefault() within your onClick function to prevent the default behavior of the anchor tag.

Answer №2

Perhaps you could give this a try, update the following line:

$(this).addClass('categories_selected'); // NOT WORKING

to this one instead:


For some reason, I have encountered this issue before and resolved it using this method.

Answer №3

Perhaps you could consider inspecting the element to verify if the class is currently applied? This step often sheds light on any issues that may arise. It's possible that a different class is taking precedence over the properties defined in your class...?

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