Is there a way to disable certain CSS features in Chrome, like CSS grid, for testing purposes?

I'm exploring alternative layouts for my app in case CSS grid is not supported. Is there a way to disable features like CSS grid in Chrome or Canary?

Answer №1

If you're looking to toggle CSS features in Chrome, the CSS Feature Toggles plugin is a great option. This handy tool adds a tab to your developer toolbox where you can find checkboxes for various CSS features that some browsers may not fully support, such as Grid:

All you have to do is check the box next to the feature you want to disable.

Answer №3

Simply disable CSS Grid from your styling.

/* .container { display: grid; } */

Alternatively, you can toggle off the rule in your browser's developer tools.

By doing this, Chrome will disregard all grid-related properties, mimicking the behavior of a browser that doesn't support this feature.

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