Calculation error causing incorrect top value display in Chrome [bug alert!]

After dynamically creating an element in jQuery and adding it to the page, I applied a class that sets its position to top:50%. Everything appeared fine at first glance, with the element positioned correctly at 50%. However, when attempting to retrieve the value of 'top' using .css('top'), I discovered that it returned an incorrect value of 470 instead of 20. This discrepancy caused errors in the effect that I was trying to achieve, as it relied on obtaining the correct value through JavaScript. Interestingly, this issue does not occur in Firefox; where I can accurately retrieve both the displayed and computed values.


d.css( 'top', d.css('top') ); alters the actual position in Chrome. (Uncomment to observe its impact)

To provide further clarification, I have included a screenshot. (View image in new tab for clearer visibility)

Answer №1

try using position().top in place of css('top')

let element = $('<div>').addClass('zzz');




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