Design a food selection with only CSS and HTML

I am working with a menu structure that looks like this:

<ul class"menu">
        <ul class="sub-ul-2">

My task is to make it so that when hovering over item1, only subitem1, subitem2, subitem3, and subitem4 are displayed, while subitem5 - 8 remain hidden. Similarly, when hovering over item2, only subitem5 - 8 should be displayed. I need to achieve this using CSS.

I have attempted the following CSS code: ul{
 display: none;
} li:hover:first-child ul {

Answer №1

Building a Nested Menu Structure

<ul class="menu">
    Main Item 1
      <li><a href="#">Subitem 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Subitem 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Subitem 3</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Subitem 4</a></li>
        Main Item 2
          <li><a href="#">Subitem 5</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Subitem 6</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Subitem 7</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Subitem 8</a></li>

Styling the Nested Menu with CSS

.menu li > ul {

.menu li:hover > ul {

Check out the live example here!

Answer №2

Is this what you're looking for? (Keeping the original HTML structure)


ul li ul {display:none;}
ul > li:hover ul{display:block;}
ul li ul > li > ul.sub-ul-2 {display:none;}
ul > li:hover ul > li:hover ul{display:block;}


Update: (Avoiding classes & cursors:pointer;)

ul li ul {display:none;}
ul > li:hover ul{display:block;}
ul > li > ul > li > ul > li{display:none;}
ul > li:hover ul > li:hover ul li{display:block;}

li{cursor:pointer;}  /* Showing a hand cursor when hovering over the list item */


Alternatively, with simplified CSS after correcting the initial ul tag from <ul class"menu"> to <ul class="menu"> (Adding the missing equal sign)

.menu ul {display:none;}
.menu li:hover > ul{display:block;}


Answer №3



<ul class="menu">
    <ul class="sub-ul-1">
        <ul class="sub-ul-2">

css: li{
 display: none;
} > li{
 display: block;
} > li:hover > ul > li, ul > li:hover > ul > li{

Answer №4

I have created a functional and simplistic jsfiddle demonstration.

The functionality involves hiding all UL elements within the .menu class. When hovering over any list item, the direct descendant UL element is revealed. This is achieved by using "display: block;" and "display: none;" for simplicity.


/* Hiding all UL elements inside .menu */
.menu ul {
    display: none;

/* Displaying any UL that is a direct child of a hovered list item */
.menu li:hover > ul {
    display: block;

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