Tips for creating responsive images when using two images stacked on top of each other:

One of my challenges with using Bootstrap is trying to place an image on top of another image.

Here's the HTML code I currently have:

<section id="test">
  <div class="row">
          <div class="imgbg"><img src="img/bg_pres.png" class="img-responsive"></div>
          <div class="imgpos"><img src="img/ico_presentation.png" class="img-responsive"></div>

This is what my CSS looks like:

  margin-top: 5%;
  background-repeat :repeat-x;
  background-image: url('img/bg_pres.png');
  z-index : 3;

  z-index: 5;


Even when I resize my window, the image "ico_presentation.png" doesn't change and maintains its original size. Can someone provide guidance on what adjustments need to be made?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

1) Make sure to pay attention to how you indent your code.

2) Check that you're not using both a background-image in a div (imgbg) and an img tag for the same image.

3) The size of "ico_presentation.png" won't change unless you specify dimensions in css using relative units like %, vw, vh, etc. If the original image is 500x500px, it will stay that way on your webpage unless you adjust it accordingly.

Answer №2

Try using the img-fluid class instead of img-responsive when working with elements inside a container-fluid and container in Bootstrap framework. The div element with id imgbg is currently empty, while the div element with id imgpos has the img-fluid class assigned to change its size on window resize. This approach has proven effective for me! If you found this information helpful, please consider marking my answer as correct.

 background: url("img/tile.png");
 background-repeat: repeat-x;
 width:2000px; // set the width of the div
 height:1000px; // set the height of the div
 z-index: 3;

 z-index: 5;


 <div class="container-fluid">
 <div class="container">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="imgbg"></div>
      <div><img class="img-fluid imgpos" src="img/cinema.jpeg"></div>


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