What criteria do browsers follow to determine the specific colors to use for border styles like inset and outset?

When I set border: 1px outset blue; as the style for an element, the browser displays two distinct border colors: one for the top and left borders, and another for the bottom and right borders.

  { border: 10px outset #0000FF;
    color: #FFF;
    background-color: #0000FF;
    width: 30%;

  { margin: 1em 2em;
    text-align: center;

When only one color is specified for the border, how does the browser determine which colors to display for the different edges? Alternatively, if a graphic design file (such as a .PSD) shows an outset border with two different colors, how can I select a single border color that will result in the closest appearance to the design?

Answer №1

CSS does not dictate a singular algorithm for border colors:

Each User Agent (UA) is free to determine its own method for calculating the actual colors used.

Various web browsers exhibit distinct behaviors when rendering borders:

  • Firefox blends highlight border with full white (approximately 57%) and lowlight border with full black (about 68%).

  • Opera blends borders with white and black less intensely (25% each).

  • WebKit-based browsers like Safari and Chrome blend lowlight border to black (33%) while keeping the highlight border as the original stated color.

  • Internet Explorer divides the border width in half for inset/outset. The inner portion of the border includes a lowlight shade of 75% black and retains the original highlight color. The outer segment features a highlight color shaded 25% towards black and a lowlight color shaded 50% towards black, mimicking the style of Windows 9x/NT4/2000 buttons with a 2px border.

It's challenging to achieve consistent results with inset/outset/groove/ridge borders. While outcomes may vary across browsers, specifying each border side color explicitly can help ensure consistency.

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