The fixed positioned div with jQuery disappears when scrolling in Firefox but functions properly in Chrome, IE, and Safari

Click here to see a div located at the bottom of the right sidebar that is supposed to behave as follows:

  1. As you scroll down the page, the div should change its class and become fixed at the top of the screen until you reach the bottom of the parent element.

  2. Once the bottom of the div reaches the bottom of the parent element, its class should revert back to a non-fixed position.

However, there is a problem:

In Firefox, when the div reaches the top of the parent element, it disappears. This issue does not occur in Chrome, IE, or Safari where the div remains visible.

How can I prevent the div from disappearing in Firefox?

You can view all the code needed to address this issue by clicking on this link: .

Answer №1

There seems to be a problem with the height setting in Firefox and possibly some versions of IE, specifically related to nested tables with a height set to 100%.

In Chrome, $('#col12').height() measures at 1102 while it shows as 0 in Firefox.

A suggested workaround is to adjust the following line of code:

else if ($(this).scrollTop() + $el.height() 
  < $el.parent().offset().top + $el.parent().height())


else if ($(window).scrollTop() + $el.height() 
  < $el.parent().offset().top + ($('.content2').height() - $('#fullsize td:first').height()))

If more descriptive ids are assigned to elements, the td:first selector can be replaced.

The issue stems from the layout where the main content includes a left column with one row and a right column with two rows. The bottom row of the right column should have maximum height but does not. To determine the correct height, subtract the height of the top row of the right column from the height of the left column.

If this explanation is unclear, please let me know so I can revise my response accordingly.


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